We are hiring! (Closed)

Chinese version.

If you are interested in using soundscapes to assess marine biodiversity or exploring the potential of ecological informatics in marine ecosystems, please contact us. We are hiring 2 research assistants this year!

Marine ecoacoustics and informatics lab (MEIL) is leading by Dr. Tzu-Hao Lin, a new assistant research fellow in the Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica. The goal of MEIL is to facilitate the monitoring of marine ecosystems via remote sensing platforms and to understand how marine biodiversity changes in regional and global scales. Currently, MEIL mainly focuses on the application of machine learning in audio information retrieval. By analyzing the spatio-temporal variations of underwater sounds, we investigate how the ever-growing underwater noise impacts marine animals. Sounds of marine mammals, fishes, invertebrates, and various abiotic sound sources are all relevant to our research targets.

Our study areas including inshore waters, estuaries, coral reefs off Taiwan. Dr. Lin also works with researchers from Japan, Hong Kong, and the Philippines for the “Ocean Biodiversity Listening Project.” Therefore, you will have many chances to visit other countries for collaborative studies. In the future, MEIL will also cover visual-based ecological information and other remote sensing platforms. If you are interested in our research or hope to apply similar techniques in your career, please consider joining us!


  1. Organize and analyze underwater recordings (or other type or dataset)
  2. Learn how to use and build tools for ecological informatics
  3. Writing research reports
  4. Assist administration work


  1. Willing to learn or capable of writing codes in Python, R, or Matlab
  2. Not afraid of seasick, and happy to execute field works
  3. Self-motivated and responsible, willing to record and share work details through the internet
  4. Having a background in biology, geology, physics, informatics, or engineering

The position will be started in the middle of April 2020. Following Academia Sinica’s regulation and standard (bachelor: NTD 34356+, master: NTD 40245+) but negotiable depending on experience. Insurance and benefits included. We will provide one laptop and relevant computing facilities during the work. We will also support attending domestic and international workshops and symposiums (mainly for scientific presentations).

To apply, please send the following materials to schonkopf@gmail.com (Please specify “Applications for research assistant” in the Subject):

  1. The reason why you think you fit this position and your career plan
  2. CV/Resume
  3. List of involved projects, publications, and presentations
  4. Contact information for 1-2 references (Please make sure your referees agree with the contact)

The Biodiversity Research Center offers a vigorous and diverse research environment. Please visit the website for more information:  http://www.biodiv.tw/en/.

海洋生態聲學與資訊研究室誠徵研究助理2名 (Closed)

海洋生態聲學與資訊研究室誠徵研究助理2名 (Closed)

English version.

你曾經聽過聲景(Soundscape)這個名詞嗎? 是否對於如何透過聆聽聲音來了解海面下的生態有興趣? 或是曾經想過要發展生態研究的自動化分析工具、互動平台嗎? 還是聽到許多人在談人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)與機器學習(Machine Learning),可是卻不知道如何運用這些技術進行動物行為研究與生物多樣性監測嗎? 只要對於結合生態、資訊有興趣的朋友,都是我們有興趣的對象!



  1. 整理、分析水下錄音資料(或其他數位化生態資料)
  2. 學習資訊工具之使用
  3. 撰寫研究報告
  4. 研究室交辦行政事務


  1. 對學習程式語言有興趣,或已經熟悉Python, R, MATLAB任一平台
  2. 不怕暈船願意偶爾去吹海風、看海、潛水(非必備技能),執行野外工作
  3. 負責任、積極進行團隊合作,願意透過網路、影片記錄、分享工作歷程
  4. 生物、地理、物理、資訊、電機相關科系畢業之學士/碩士
  5. 能流暢閱讀英文文獻,且具備基本的英文溝通和書寫能力


  1. 依照中研院薪資標準(學士級NTD 34356+, 碩士級NTD 40,245+)、享勞健保及年終獎金
  2. 院內健檢、微風廣場、體育館職員優惠及享有中心圖書借用服務。
  3. 週休二日、依國定假日休假,特休按勞基法規定。
  4. 工作期間提供筆記型電腦與相關計算設備。
  5. 提供參加國內、國際學術會議發表研究成果的經費補助。
  6. 對於生物多樣性產業有興趣的人,將積極支援其能力培訓、養成,並介紹潛在合作夥伴。

工作時間:彈性上下班,表訂每日 09:00 至 18:00,午休一小時。





  1. 於電子郵件中說明為何你想要、為何適合這份工作,以及未來職涯規劃
  2. 履歷(須包含個人聯絡資訊、工作經歷、學歷、專長等)
  3. 過去參與之研究計畫、曾發表過之研究成果
  4. 推薦人姓名、在職單位、職稱與聯絡方法(1至2位,須事先徵詢推薦人)